Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Reitter, Paul Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $132,725.44 100%
Taleghani-Nikazm, Carmen Chair (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $114,426.45 100%
Kaplan, Merrill Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $43,851.05 50%
Mergenthaler, May Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $93,844.17 100%
Heck, Barbara Assistant Professor - Clinical (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $54,432.75 100%
Risko, Agi Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $17,252.84 38%
Miller, Natascha Academic Program Services Specialist 3 Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $59,921.20 100%
Richards, Kevin Assistant Professor - Clinical (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $54,804.12 100%
Davidson, John Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $102,554.77 100%
Grotans, Anna Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $110,074.78 100%
Porter, Cynthia Assistant Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $75,190.00 100%
Byram, Katra Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $92,773.38 100%
Frazier, Jeffrey Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $43,292.03 100%
Birkhold, Matthew Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $94,818.24 100%
Johnson, Matthew Senior Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $48,000.00 100%
Rocker, Maike Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $48,500.00 100%
Aupiais, Juan-Jacques Assistant Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $73,000.00 100%
Uskokovic, Budimka Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12468
Arts and Sciences
Germanic Languages and Literatures
University $45,000.00 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.