Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Nagar, Ila Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $93,427.18 100%
Beyl, Thomas Undergraduate Academic Advisor 3 Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $57,059.55 100%
Liu, Morgan Chair (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $102,480.46 100%
Swartz, Michael Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $128,193.25 100%
Frank, Daniel Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $90,048.37 100%
Tanenbaum, Adena Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $84,950.39 100%
Brenner, Naomi Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $98,947.78 100%
Atanassova, Gergana Associate Professor - Clinical (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $33,190.40 50%
Sellman, Johanna Associate Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $90,587.64 100%
Carmichael, Phoebe Academic Program Services Specialist 3 Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $53,664.00 100%
Golan, Galit Associate Professor - Clinical (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $72,160.00 100%
Kamali Sarvestani, Mehrak Senior Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $41,253.39 88%
Anthony, Sean Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $121,803.08 100%
Labaki, Marie-Therese Associate Professor - Clinical (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $72,447.92 100%
Al-Jallad, Ahmad Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $124,341.35 100%
Steele, Ceyda Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $22,565.63 50%
Moore, James D. Assistant Professor (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $76,000.00 100%
Marquaire, Celine Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $10,236.10 25%
Dirbas, Hekmat Lecturer (9M) Arts and Sciences CC12467
Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures
University $45,052.72 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.