Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Johnson, Ryan Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Medicine CC11299
IM Medical Oncology
University $85,035.60 100%
Grabmeier, Jenny Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge CC13305
Translational Data Analytics
University $92,770.64 100%
Ripley, Renée Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge CC10981
Research Development Office
University $84,727.50 100%
Buehler, Stephanie Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge CC10981
Research Development Office
University $87,779.34 100%
Rasey, Cameron Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Engineering CC13030
Center for Automotive Research
University $92,880.00 100%
Domicone, Nick Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Engineering CC11823
Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence
University $88,992.00 100%
Liptrot, Roderick Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92871
Health System Shared Services
Health System $95,788.47 100%
Howard, Nadeane Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Enterprise for Research, Innovation, and Knowledge CC10981
Research Development Office
University $97,065.39 100%
Jordan, Kelsey Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Medicine CC12845
Emergency Medicine
University $87,352.87 100%
Dietz, Christina Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Medicine CC11297
IM Hospital Medicine
University $82,476.00 100%
Ji, Rui Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 Health Sciences CC11119
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Health System $81,600.00 100%
Gonzales Lazarte, Patricia Research Development Partnerships Analyst 3 University Advancement CC11057
Development Foundation Relations
University $95,000.00 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.