Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Kulesza, Amy Manager 1, Education Program Arts and Sciences CC12366
Arts and Sciences
Center for Life Science Education
University $77,165.42 100%
Leitwein, Casey Manager 1, Education Program Medicine CC12801
Education Curriculum
University $64,711.06 100%
Swartz, Regina Manager 1, Education Program Medicine CC12853
University $67,626.04 100%
Ramirez, Ana Manager 1, Education Program Arts and Sciences CC12291
Arts and Sciences
Chemistry and Biochemistry Administration
University $65,420.34 100%
Steele, Rachel Manager 1, Education Program Arts and Sciences CC12293
Arts and Sciences
Student Affairs Curriculum and Assessment
University $60,477.17 100%
Lewis, Laura Manager 1, Education Program Education and Human Ecology CC11238
Educational Studies Administration
University $66,359.30 100%
Lau, Teresa Manager 1, Education Program Business CC13792
Fisher College
Master of Business Operational Excellence Program
University $67,181.36 100%
Volk, Laura Manager 1, Education Program Medicine CC12801
Education Curriculum
University $66,285.77 100%
Johns, Carolyn Manager 1, Education Program Arts and Sciences CC12396
Arts and Sciences
University $62,404.46 100%
Luu, Jenny Manager 1, Education Program Business CC11603
Fisher College
Center for Innovation Strategies
University $60,000.00 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.