Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Weber, Joanne Career Services Specialist 2 Business CC11591
Fisher College
Career Services
University $26.92 Hourly
Norris, Michelle Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12435
Arts and Sciences
Center for Career and Professional Success
University $21.95 Hourly
Bolton, Lori Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12435
Arts and Sciences
Center for Career and Professional Success
University $22.79 Hourly
Ellison, Jim Career Services Specialist 2 John Glenn Public Affairs CC11647
John Glenn
Student Affairs
University $24.00 Hourly
Nord, Tara Career Services Specialist 2 Student Life CC11364
Student Life
Buckeye Careers
University $25.47 Hourly
Sturm, Caitlin Career Services Specialist 2 Engineering CC11775
Career Services
University $22.42 Hourly
Koon, Taylor Career Services Specialist 2 Student Life CC11364
Student Life
Buckeye Careers
University $26.30 Hourly
Sukmawati, Feni Career Services Specialist 2 Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences CC11906
International Programs-Intern Program
University $21.66 Hourly
Arnold, Jane Career Services Specialist 2 Marion CC10420
Academic Advising and Career Services
University $26.12 Hourly
Harvey, Barbara Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12435
Arts and Sciences
Center for Career and Professional Success
University $23.42 Hourly
Lovely, Stevie Career Services Specialist 2 Health Sciences CC12938
Health Sciences
Nisonger Center
Health System $23.17 Hourly
Oliver, Nickie Career Services Specialist 2 Nursing CC13088
College Administration
University $25.71 Hourly
Kreitzer, Kristina Career Services Specialist 2 Nursing CC13088
College Administration
University $22.40 Hourly
D'Angelo, Megan Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12435
Arts and Sciences
Center for Career and Professional Success
University $22.48 Hourly
Johnson, Paige Career Services Specialist 2 Nursing CC13088
College Administration
University $25.83 Hourly
Kindig, Madelyn Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12435
Arts and Sciences
Center for Career and Professional Success
University $22.24 Hourly
Cook, Austin Career Services Specialist 2 Engineering CC11775
Career Services
University $20.50 Hourly
Louise, Amy Career Services Specialist 2 Arts and Sciences CC12398
Arts and Sciences
University $20.60 Hourly
Wynn, LaTisha Career Services Specialist 2 Social Work CC13742
Social Work
Student Affairs
University $24.89 Hourly
DeMooy, Emily Career Services Specialist 2 Health Sciences CC12938
Health Sciences
Nisonger Center
Health System $20.51 Hourly
Newsome, Madyson Career Services Specialist 2 Social Work CC13742
Social Work
Student Affairs
University $22.79 Hourly

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.