Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Miller, Cheryl Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $48.25 Hourly
Bradley, Lora Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $38.14 Hourly
Waugh, Nadra Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $46.84 Hourly
Pence, Kimberly Hyperbaric Respiratory Therapist 3 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $88,888.18 100%
Mills, Renee Outpatient Registered Nurse - IRP 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $40.19 Hourly
Batyske, Brenda Outpatient Registered Nurse 3 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $32.74 Hourly
KANNIARD, CASSANDRA Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $39.56 Hourly
McClendon, Deborah Registration Coordinator 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $25.53 Hourly
Ricketts, Mary Outpatient Registered Nurse - IRP 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $40.19 Hourly
Cash, Dawn Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $45.13 Hourly
Grim, Sara Outpatient Registered Nurse 3 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $38.84 Hourly
Grubb, Taylor Manager 2, Nursing Services Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $102,102.56 100%
Fisher, Nicole Outpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $38.17 Hourly
Martin, Phillip Inpatient Registered Nurse 2 Health System | University Hospital East CC97744
Wound Care Outpatient
Health System $34.22 Hourly

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.