Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Hess, Staci Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-B (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $51.52 Hourly
Losko, Heather Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-B (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $51.52 Hourly
Hamer, Brenda Nurse Educator - IRP 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $46.00 Hourly
Burke, Sue Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-B (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $51.52 Hourly
Shalvoy, Renee Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-G (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $52.96 Hourly
Kuhns, Karen Manager 3, Nursing Education Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $152,773.28 100%
Beck, Emily Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $104,013.66 100%
Hall, Kimberly Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $81,552.83 100%
Cole, Steven Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-B (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $51.52 Hourly
Giannobile, Ashley Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $90,200.00 100%
Barlow, Cori Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $70,551.79 80%
Steele, Ashley Nurse Educator - IRP 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $46.00 Hourly
Prenger, Allison Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $94,950.55 100%
KInczyk, Kari Nurse Educator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $90,040.68 100%
Denton, Sean Coord-Nursing Staff Develop-G (HS) Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96702
Nursing Staff Education
Health System $52.96 Hourly

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.