Salaries (as of 9/30/2024)
Preferred Name | Title | CCH6 / Funding Unit | Cost Center | Position Group | Salary / Hourly Rate |
Sykes, Sarah | Event Management Specialist 3 | Administration and Planning | CC12559 Administration and Planning WOSU Marketing and Communications |
University | $72,792.68 | 100% |
Moh, Yoon-Joo | Event Management Specialist 2 | Administration and Planning | CC12559 Administration and Planning WOSU Marketing and Communications |
University | $55,683.00 | 100% |
Wallace, Jessica | Graphic and Motion Design Specialist 2 | Administration and Planning | CC12559 Administration and Planning WOSU Marketing and Communications |
University | $54,368.55 | 100% |
Davis, III, George | Manager 3, Marketing and Communications | Administration and Planning | CC12559 Administration and Planning WOSU Marketing and Communications |
University | $110,745.00 | 100% |
* About the Data
Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date
- Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
- Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.