Salaries (as of 9/30/2023)

List of Salaries based on search criteria
Preferred Name Title CCH6 / Funding Unit Cost Center Position Group Salary /
Hourly Rate
Kuhn, Michelle Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96833
Quality and Patient Safety
Health System $78,547.99 100%
Moore, Kristin Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $93,730.52 100%
Stockdale, Sarah Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 OSU Health Plan CC10322
OSU Health Plan
Medical Management
Health System $76,526.27 100%
McCarthy, Constance Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $90,088.95 100%
Durst, Christine Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $94,276.96 100%
Roush, Lyn Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $93,730.52 100%
Jones, Amanda Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96833
Quality and Patient Safety
Health System $75,816.27 100%
Porter, Erica Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $87,608.84 100%
Keene, Jacklyn Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92842
Health System Shared Services
Health System Quality and Research
Health System $93,549.87 100%
Elliott, Sommre Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96833
Quality and Patient Safety
Health System $89,764.50 100%
Lortz, Heather Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $91,000.50 100%
Pardee, Jamie Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92842
Health System Shared Services
Health System Quality and Research
Health System $92,594.01 100%
Zuchegno, Kristen Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $82,400.00 100%
Heidorn, Jess Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | James Cancer Hospital CC96833
Quality and Patient Safety
Health System $80,456.83 100%
Porter, Tammy Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Coordinator 3 Health System | Shared Services CC92320
Health System Shared Services
Quality and Operations
Health System $84,255.00 100%

* About the Data

Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date

  • Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. The rate is reflective of the FTE. In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE.
  • Hourly Rate: The hourly pay rate paid to hourly employees. Hourly rates are indicated by the term “Hourly” showing up under FTE.